Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I know - 2 posts in one day!

So I got a crazy email from sir Grosskopf today -

Subject: Do you want to stay up tonight.

And a link to a Chicago Sun Times story paraphrased below -

Unique date offers geeky fun
April 4, 2006

Stay up late tonight, pull out your military watch and see if you feel any different.
C'mon, all the other nerds are doing it.
Early Wednesday, when the clock strikes 1 a.m. plus two minutes and three seconds, the time and date will read 01:02:03 04/05/06.
"It's very rare," said Samad Hedayat, a statistics professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
But if you look at "the way we read numbers" -- meaning the more conventional way of looking at time and dates -- then you'd probably be interested in looking at 1:23 a.m. Wednesday. That's because it will be 1:23 4/5/6. And you could do the same later in the day, when it's 1:23 p.m., he says.
Considering that method, there will be three such occurrences this century.
It already happened at noon, March 4, 2005. And one more will happen this century: 12:34 a.m. or p.m. on May 6, 2007, or 12:34 5/6/7.
"If someone is going to have a baby, they may be able to plan it so the child can later say my birthday is 1234567."
As for the meaning of it all, Hedayat is not so sure about that.
He said that Chinese calendars are much more insightful on those matters.
Lisa Donovan

Couldn't Kate and BJ have waited another week or so for baby Zoe?

Just kidding :)

I am sure Portillo will bark to let me know that it is officially 01:02:03 04/05/06.

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