Monday, June 30, 2008

The gloves are off!

I am happy to report that Steve and I had pretty successful weeks. Steve lost 4.6 lbs and I lost 3.6lbs! Which means I am at 11.6 lbs towards my 25lb goal. Steve (who started after me) is at 5.6 lbs towards his 28 lb goal.

Steve was greeted with happiness and shock when he told me his numbers. I know everyone had warned me - but all I could think of was how much harder I had to work for my lbs. Not to say that he hasn't been trying. He did burn a great deal of calories doing yard work and mowing the lawn with the push mower while I vegged out.

I assume this week will be even tougher for many reasons. I am at week 4, which I hear is when there is a drop off. We are also going on vacation to Cali, which includes attending a wine tasting, rehearsal dinner and a wedding. I am already making my list of what snacks I can take to help curb my appetite. Although, I also mentioned that a trip to In and Out burger was on the menu.
Hopefully we can get lots of walks in as well.

1 comment:

Teach said...

What's the fascination with the In and Out? You aren't the only one who likes that...there is a following.