Even with his eyes half closed - the iron paw of PorTillo reigns!
When Steve is gone on camping trips, PorTillo is allowed to sleep with me in the bed as my protector. This is a big treat for him since he is not allowed in the bedroom at all under normal conditions, because of his ability to get under the bed in places I cannot reach.
So far, he is good once he is in the bed and doesn't use it as an opportunity to steal my socks and hide. Just in case I have taken to putting his Illini leash on him when he sleeps.
The past few nights I have found myself staying up later to organize things around the house and tidy up. PorTillo usually cashes out on the couch as this is when Steve would normally lay and watch tv with him.
In light of not getting that "snuggle time" on the couch, PorTillo has decided to set 10:30 as our new bedtime, because he starts whining at me (similar to the nagging I do when I want Steve to come to bed) until I go to bed. I was confused at first and thought perhaps he needed to go outside one last time - nope that wasn't it. His little tail wagged when I put the orange leash on him and walked towards the bedroom.
Last night, I put him up on the bed while I continued to get ready - brushing my teeth and such. He patiently sat there as if to say, I couldn't possibly fall asleep until you tuck me in under the covers. He stayed under the covers this morning until I gave a few raspberries to his belly (stole a page from the Lippoldthaus style of parenting). Hmmm - who is the owner in this relationship? He has so got me under his paw......
All I can say is, "Dog - you are in for a rude awakening when Big Head comes home!"
You know we are becoming "those" doxie owners right? I busted up reading this one babe! I love you.
Beth -
Thanks for checking - I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Somehow I imagine Steve won't have a problem if his bar stool doubles as bed.
You will miss him he is back in the states on the 11th. Enjoy your trip!
I'm sure it was alot easier to get him into bed than it will be to get him out...hhhmmm, that sounds more like Steve than I realized.
Hey Katie,
No matter the size, we are never the ones that rule the house. I've got 2, 3 times the size of PT and I know I'm only allowed to live here as long as the food and treats don't stop! LOL
Best regards from NY! » » »
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