Monday, May 15, 2006

Stirring things up.....

I guess I am starting to get the hang of this blogging thing - as you can see the townhouse pictures made it up. Although I did get an email from Steve saying Townhouse Pictures?. My intent was to include them in some of the posts that I wrote when we were showing the house - but I didn't really work out for me. So for now they are just out there.

In other blogging news....I had an epiphany this morning on the train. It takes a very solid/sturdy person to put yourself out there in blog format for the world to read and comment on. I am relatively new to reading other people's blogs. I got hooked on Kate's website when they first were constructing their new house and was captivated by all of the pregnancy updates over the last year.

Kate's site also introduced me to - which every once in a while I get caught up on their adventures. But really that's about it.

What I have come to realize is that it is possible to use this format as your opinion board. For example, Kate has commented on a few controversial articles, commercials that annoy her and comments people make to pregnant women. became famous because the author was fired from her job for the comments she made about co-workers and her job.

In sucking all of this in, I find myself treading lightly on things. If I truly feel passionate about a topic (which I am sure some day I will find time to think about things outside of my own sphere), I think it is reasonable to comment. In light of Dooce, I have elected to not comment on my job, co-workers, etc. As many "funny" thoughts as I have in my head - it is just not worth putting them out there.

What I am left with - is lots of thoughts around how things in my life situations, family and friends make me feel. It's great to write about how proud I was of my brother-in-law yesterday, who became a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. It's not so acceptable to write about being annoyed with your mom (no mom this was just an example and Happy Mother's Day BTW!). Unless you are willing to suffer the consequences.

So you walk a fine line. The things that consume 90% of my brain on most days are not blogable (is that even a word?). Plus at this point the 2 people who actually read this (Steve and Kate) are not the ones I am worried about hurting/offending. But what if - Steve or I run for political office? Or other family does read this? Or I write something that people other than my own family and friends care to read about (suddenly feeling very exposed to the world).

I guess what I have discovered is that this format can be what you make of it - which is why I am sure in time I will read many other blogs that are more controversial, interesting or dare I say "truthful" than what I write about how I am feeling/doing, etc. The one key difference I see between my situation and the other blogs I have read - is that these women are mothers or where on their way to motherhood (Kate please note - I did read your blog pre-conception - just not as often!)

I know I think PorTillo is the most interesting and wonderful dog in the world - but as previously stated - not exciting enough to blog about all of the time. Kids on the other hand - are a totally different story. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Friends and Neighbors do want to read about how new parents are adjusting, gross/funny poop stories, and those moments of "can you believe he/she said/did that?"

Perhaps I will look back on this format and note that life was more interesting post-kids. My fellow bloggers comments seem to support that!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Good call on the no-job-talk. I've been very strategic about that as well. Especially since my friend Anne forwarded the link to our whole building! :P