As Steve mentioned last week, we are on to the talking to contractors phase. Until we decide who we are going with let's just call this guy #1.
#1 seemed very laid back and is currently working on one of the homes a few streets away. We got his number off the sign - so this isn't exactly a referral at this point but we figure it is good to see what else he has done.
#1 walked the house as we jabbered away about the "character" of the house (cloth wiring, lead paint, etc) and what our rough plans are for the next phase. He didn't seem shocked by any of this and even complimented how much better the structure of the house (as seen in the basement) was than he expected. He also confirmed that the floor boards in the dining room are the originals.
Overall a positive review for #1. He was able to figure out a good plan for efficiently using the upstairs space to create a hallway into the kitchen and the dining room. The plan is to divide the kitchen into a laundry room and full bath (for the kids). We also discussed the ideal spot for putting a staircase up to a 3rd floor (obviously this is not part of the next phase - more like phase 27).
One other revelation - our dream of 2 staircases may not be possible. A little history - when the kitchen was remodeled in the 1950s, they took out the back staircase which went up to the back hallway to expand the kitchen. Having been a Cosby fan in the 80s - I always thought it would be so cool to have 2 staircases. The contractor pointed out that without expanding the space, the stairs would be very steep and not up to code.
#2 had to cancel for tonight so we are hoping to re-schedule for this Saturday. It will be nice to hear his perspective as well. #2 re-did the B&B in Naperville and the owner speaks very highly of the work they did.
More to come when we starting getting numbers and deciding what we can afford. The good news is that #1 said that we would save a ton by doing the demo upstairs ourselves. And of course the male in the house thinks that would be a ton of fun...